General Data Protection Regulation

Navigate the Digital Landscape with Confidence - Empower your business with comprehensive GDPR solutions. Safeguarding data, respecting privacy, and ensuring you're always on the right side of the law.

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What is a GDPR?

The GDPR is the European Union’s framework to unify data privacy laws, safeguarding EU residents' data rights worldwide. It empowers individuals and streamlines regulations, fostering a robust digital economy.


The regulation encompasses any entity conducting operations within the EU. Additionally, it affects organizations outside the EU if they handle data concerning EU residents, be they citizens or non-citizens, during their stay in the EU

Non-EU companies employing EU residents.

Any company outside the EU that hires EU individuals, regardless of the company's location.

Non-EU organizations handling data of EU residents.

Entities outside the EU that collect or store any data on EU residents, even basic details like IP addresses.

Generally, organizations shouldn't mistakenly believe they're exempt just because they lack a tangible presence in the EU.


The UK GDPR sets out seven key principles
Purpose limitation

Collect data for specific, explicit purposes. Avoid using it in ways that aren't aligned with the original intent.

Data minimization

Only gather the data absolutely necessary. Excess or irrelevant data should not be collected.


Maintain data that's up-to-date and correct. Regularly review and rectify any inaccuracies.

Storage limitation

Retain data only for the required duration. Delete it once it's no longer necessary for its initial purpose.

Integrity and confidentiality

Keep data safe and protected from breaches. Ensure confidentiality at all times.

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

Ensure all data processing is legal, fair, and transparent. Users should always know how their data is being used.


Organizations must be responsible for, and be able to demonstrate, GDPR compliance. Accountability is paramount.


Our approach is mentioned below: 

Phase 1: Governance & Planning
Phase 2:
Gap Analysis
Phase 3: Implementation
Phase 4:
Privacy Compliance, Risk Management Framework & Audit

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